
Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Today  we had to go on Google earth because  we are learning about landmarks . Before  we  had a try Mrs Cutler had a try with us  and told us some information like how the  great pyramid  of Giza is made for kings  to live  in when the die and in there it is full of jewelry for the kings for there after life. After that we had a go but it took forever  to load ,the first thing i looked at was  pairs  then i looked at Big Ben then people in my class were saying they could go in the white house so i tryed and i got in i Took a bit of of pictures  of it here they are. Doing this was amazing because you felt like your in the moment .I felt like jumping through the screen to get to it and have a holiday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Were I want to go...

I would LOVE to go to Paris one day because they have food i always wanted to try like cheese,croissant,bagels,oysters,caramel,steak, fries and more.

What i want to see when i visit Paris is the Eiffel tower,Lourare museum,Le mairs Paris.

They have  hares foxes and badgers those are some animals that live there in Paris. 

Some of their flora and fauna are pine,birch poplar and widow trees.  

Now let me tell you some of the stuff that comes to mind thinking about Paris: A beautiful  city to walk around feeling good.

whats an information report

Let me tell you what an information report needs and how you write one. An information report  can be about anything like dogs,country,people ,food anything for an example i'm going to use dogs,what to include in a information report introductions, its breed ,its name (not  that necessary), what they eat ,words  related  ,facts ,images,population subheadings( it is optional)  it's optional to put your information report in order.

Friday, August 9, 2019

How to make a biography

What's a biography? A biography is a story that tells us about a real person . Then what do you need in a biography? You need facts,death date ,birth date ,what they achieved,and  they're  known  for.  Does a biography needs to be in order? yes the order is early life, adult life, what they achieved and facts and then that's how you make a good biography👍

200 dollar note design

On Wednesday Mrs Cutler told us to make a 200 dollar note of a New Zealand icon because this term we are learning about money and famous  New Zealander.s  The New Zealanders we have learnt about are Sir Edmund Hillary,Kate Shepherd,the Queen (but she is not New Zealander though), Sir Apirana Ngata ,Ernest Rutherford ,Sir Peter Bake , Jean Batten, Margaret Mahy, Dame Whina Cooper and Sophie Pascoe. So for my design I chose Sophie Pascoe and she is a swimmer in Paralympics (its like the Olympics just for people who have a disabilit) her disability is that her Dad ran over her leg when she was two and now she has a stump. But that did not stop her so for the bird i chose a Pukeko because its flightless but still beautiful and that reminds me of her. For the landmark i put a pool there  and i put turquoise as the colour.  Here is my picture:

Thursday, August 1, 2019