
Friday, August 9, 2019

200 dollar note design

On Wednesday Mrs Cutler told us to make a 200 dollar note of a New Zealand icon because this term we are learning about money and famous  New Zealander.s  The New Zealanders we have learnt about are Sir Edmund Hillary,Kate Shepherd,the Queen (but she is not New Zealander though), Sir Apirana Ngata ,Ernest Rutherford ,Sir Peter Bake , Jean Batten, Margaret Mahy, Dame Whina Cooper and Sophie Pascoe. So for my design I chose Sophie Pascoe and she is a swimmer in Paralympics (its like the Olympics just for people who have a disabilit) her disability is that her Dad ran over her leg when she was two and now she has a stump. But that did not stop her so for the bird i chose a Pukeko because its flightless but still beautiful and that reminds me of her. For the landmark i put a pool there  and i put turquoise as the colour.  Here is my picture:

1 comment:

  1. Sophie Pascoe is definitely an inspiring person Lucy! You have explained your $200 note design really well! 😊
